The Balkan Crucible: An Axis Yugoslavia AAR
Jun 22, 2021 · To counteract the perception of Yugoslavia as a satellite of Germany or Italy, Prince Paul met with the British envoy in Yugoslavia, Ronald H. Campbell and asked the …
fate of yugoslavia? - Paradox Interactive Forums
Feb 26, 2010 · as Germany is it better to ally with Yugoslavia or annex it? i was allied to them but after conquering Greece i realized that i needed connection to my Greek holdings to deploy a …
Invite Bulgaria to "Divide Yugoslavia" focus and make the old …
Nov 24, 2020 · Out of every nation that can be invited to divide Yugoslavia, Bulgaria is the most willing to join due to Macedonia. Why isn't the old way divide Yugoslavia worked still …
When is France guarantee on Yugoslavia expire?
Oct 8, 2020 · We all know that as of the latest DLC France has guaranteed Yugoslavia independence from the start, prevent early Italy conquest. But when is the guarantee expire? …
How to do with Italy and Yugoslavia? - Paradox Interactive Forums
Mar 24, 2020 · Yugoslavia has an NF tree with the option of asking to be admitted to the axis. Which it will usually take late 1940. If they're allowed in, you have a new, relatively strong …
Yugoslavia and Air Zones - Paradox Interactive Forums
May 24, 2017 · Historically, Yugoslavia attempted to remain neutral for as long as possible, despite heavy pressure from both the Axis and the Allies to declare for their side. When the …
What is the best strategy to get most of Yugoslavia with DoD …
Jan 11, 2021 · But if you invite all possible members right before you send the ultimatum (Germany and Italy will almost always accept), Yugoslavia is very likely to accept. I had a co …
Fate of Yugoslavia - Paradox Interactive Forums
Apr 23, 2022 · I tried searching the wiki but couldn't get the information about the German focus Fate of Yugoslavia: if Germany chooses annex, and Yugoslavia has accepted the previous …
Yugoslavia talk - Paradox Interactive Forums
Sep 4, 2019 · Pre-war Yugoslavia was a state in political turmoil. Serbs were a dominant power. They were the main drive in the establishing the state after the Great War, and they constitute …
Can someone explain to me how to successfully demand Slovenia?
Nov 21, 2020 · Yugoslavia is overall less likely to give up Slovenia, than Czechoslovakia is to give up the Sudetenland. Both get less willing to give up their territory with higher world tension. …