A key protein that could be responsible for brain ageing. Plus, researchers organize a day of action to #StandUpForScience. Nature - A key protein that could be responsible for brain ageing.
If you’re looking for something to bring a little extra joy to the season, we’ve got you covered with some of the funniest and most relatable Easter memes around. These hilarious memes are ...
The communication system between your gut and brain is called the gut-brain axis. They’re connected both physically and biochemically in a number of different ways. They may even influence each ...
When you’re diagnosed with brain cancer, learning as much as you can about it can help you choose the best treatment for you. This guide shows you the basics on the types of brain cancer and how ...
The terms "left-brained" and "right-brained" refer to the two hemispheres of the brain's cerebrum. The left hemisphere generally focuses more on speech and language, while the right hemisphere manages ...
You love from the depths of your ventral tegmental area, your hypothalamus, your nucleus accumbens, and other vital areas of the brain. In the last two decades, scientists have joined the throngs of ...
On YouTube videos and forums, we are described with smug meme-speak (NPCs – non-playable characters – and Copium – social media-ese for someone coping). Because they believe life is ...
It is Wednesday, my dudes, and that means it is time to check out the funniest memes that have hit the Internet (so far) this week. So for today we have the 51 funniest memes from all across the ...