Marine biologist Alan Deidun has spoken out against the catching of catsharks in Malta. In a post on social media, Deidun shared a photo of a number of catsharks dumped on a slipway.
Fisheries observers hold a job little known by the general public but essential to the health of the oceans: monitoring the ...
To see a green sawfish - let alone catch one - is exceptionally rare, as there is estimated to only be between 200 and 5,000 left in the world.
When fishers on Lake Chilwa cast their nets, they don’t know whether there are fish below, or something else entirely. “We ...
Caution has been issued against foreign trawlers seeking to take advantage of the six months of prawn fishing along the ...
The waves off the Philippine coast have always provided a lifeline for millions of small-scale fishers. But in recent months, ...
A sighting alone is considered exceptionally 'rare' – never mind the feat of catching one. It took this fisherman 13 years to ...
NOAA serves the American public in many ways — yet, because the agency also engages in climate change research, many ...
The Tanana Chiefs Conference and the Association of Village Council Presidents had sued the federal government ...
Conservationists on Monday embarked on a four-day 120-km relay swim down the Mekong River to raise awareness about ...
The Tanana Chiefs Conference and the Association of Village Council Presidents had sued the federal government.
The Tanana Chiefs Conference and the Association of Village Council Presidents had sued the federal government.