Астана. 22 марта. ИНТЕРФАКС-КАЗАХСТАН – Казахстанские полицейские усилили меры безопасности во время празднования Наурыза, сообщила пресс-служба МВД республики.
Вашингтон. 22 марта. ИНТЕРФАКС - На Украине согласились с тем, что следует провести выборы, заявил спецпосланник американского президента Стив Уиткофф.
Пекин. 21 марта. ИНТЕРФАКС - Испытание новой зенитно-ракетной системы прошло в четверг в КНДР, сообщило Центральное ...
Вашингтон. 21 марта. ИНТЕРФАКС - Великобритания, Франция, Германия и страны Северной Европы ведут неофициальные переговоры о ...
News and other data on this web site are provided for information purposes only, and are not intended for republication or redistribution. Republication or redistribution of Interfax content, ...
News and other data on this web site are provided for information purposes only, and are not intended for republication or redistribution. Republication or redistribution of Interfax content, ...
04.03.2025, 20:43 KTZ, PTC Holding to develop terminal infrastructure in Poti, Georgia ALMATY. March 4 (Interfax-Kazakhstan) - NC Kazakhstan Temir Zholy (KTZ) JSC and PTC Holding have agreed on joint ...
BAKU. March 4 (Interfax) - Ukraine intends to resume participation in the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (TITR), JSC Ukrainian Railways (Ukrzaliznytsia) Management Board Chairman ...
News and other data on this web site are provided for information purposes only, and are not intended for republication or redistribution. Republication or redistribution of Interfax content, ...
News and other data on this web site are provided for information purposes only, and are not intended for republication or redistribution. Republication or redistribution of Interfax content, ...
The OPEC Secretariat has received updated compensation schedules for previously under-reduced oil volumes in accordance with the commitments between partners, OPEC reported.
KazTransOil JSC reported an increase in the tariff for oil displacement service in the main pipeline system at the Atasu Main Pump Station - Pavlodar Oil Chemistry Refinery section from May 1, 2025.