There’s an interesting post by Ballot Box Scotland that has gone missing from many timelines, including, initially my own.
Neil Blane argues ” … it’s the very levels of acceptability by the Scots of their political situation, including the manner ...
As the ceasefire in Gaza goes into effect, the Israeli army has launched widespread attacks against the West Bank. In this ...
Each week we feature an artist with new music coming out across Scotland. Last week we featured Fiona Soe Paing, the week ...
From The Province Of The Cat by George Gunn We live in the age of the tyrant. Treasure is hoarded in bigger and fewer ...
The BBC’s Newsnight Editor tell us that the Chancellor, Rachel Reeves entered the room for the PLP meeting clapping her hands ...
As people reel from taking on board the consequences of a second Trump regime, we’ll be sharing discussion as it emerges of possible responses and analysis.
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