Under the Sun“ A monthly column of random, historical vignettes... The post Putin & Napoleon: A True Story of Overreach, ...
French President Emmanuel Macron branded his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin an "imperialist" who was trying to "rewrite ...
The French leader is mulling sending troops to the Ukraine conflict, but his little emperor moment could turn into a ...
MOSCOW, RUSSIA | TASS | Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov compared statements made by French President Emmanuel Macron ...
Russia has said that it views as a "threat" comments by French President Emmanuel Macron about extending his country's nuclear deterrent to other European countries.
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday reminded his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron of how Napoleon Bonaparte's 1812 campaign against Moscow ended, responding to the head of state's remarks ...
Vladimir Putin has mocked Emmanuel Macron, warning him that 'some people forget how Napoleon's Russian campaign ended,' after the French President indicated he would be willing to use his country ...
In an apparent jab at France, Russian President Vladimir Putin said later: “There are still people who want to return to the times of Napoleon, forgetting how it ended.” French Emperor Napoleon ...
Russia will seek a peace deal in Ukraine that safeguards its own long-term security and will not retreat from the gains it has made in the conflict, President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday in ...
Russia's top diplomat has compared Emmanuel Macron to Napoleon and Hitler after France's President offered to extend his nation's nuclear protection to European allies and invited military chiefs ...