Spider-Man #31 hits stores on Wednesday as our young hero finds himself caught between multiple Deadpools and a mysterious ...
Marvel has released a first look at June's Ultimate Comics, including the debut of a new Spider-Man, an attempt to deprogram ...
Secret Wars, the main Marvel Universe and the Ultimate Universe collide once more. Here's what to know about Miles Morales ...
Originally a clone of Miles Morales, the hero's "brother," the Marvel Comics character known as "Shift," just officially took ...
Marvel's upcoming crossover between its two continuities is picking up where Secret Wars left off as Spider-Man crosses into ...
Spider-Man 4 will feature a female main villain, with casting confirmed but unannounced, sparking speculation on her identity ...
Once cop he mentioned was an “Officer Morales.” The father of Miles Morales/Spider-Man is part of the NYPD in the comics. Originally called Jefferson Davis, he legally changed his name to ...
Never in a million years did I expect to find myself emotionally invested in Spider-Pig, but dammit, Spiderverse accomplished ...
Today Marvel Comics revealed new details about Imperial ... Imperial will be written by Hickman and drawn by Federico ...