Lynwood Mayor Jada Curry said economic development ... While the polls were still open at Village Hall Tuesday, Airhart expressed confidence in his chances of ousting Jackson.
During Escobar's tenure, L.A. firefighters have weathered some tough times: COVID. The Palisades inferno. Fewer fire stations ...
Dozens of residents in Holbury gathered to sign objection letters on Saturday, rallying against plans that could see 200 new homes built on ...
In Lynwood, voters were a mixed bag when choosing ... In Riverdale, outside Village Hall, there was a lively scene Tuesday afternoon as members of Michael Airhart’s mayoral campaign were ordered ...
"We want good government, not reckless government," he said. The meeting will be held at 4 p.m. in the Lynwood Roberts Room at City Hall on Tuesday.
even in front of City Hall! Nothing gets done. The same lack of attention that exists in the school district is also happening at the city level,” he said. The state of the streets in Lynwood ...
The group planned to focus on Juvenile Justice Intervention at the first meeting in the Lynwood Roberts Room at City Hall. Steve Zona has a decades-long career in law enforcement, serving with ...
In the last 25 years more than a dozen officials in Bell, Cudahy, South Gate and Lynwood were convicted of corruption-related ... executed search warrants Wednesday at Huntington Park City Hall, the ...