Residents near LA-area businesses that use methyl bromide are angry that officials didn’t notify them for years and haven’t ...
One farmer hired two employees and expected to be reimbursed from a large federal grant he'd won. Now he doesn’t know if ...
Scientists at the UKCEH and UEA have predicted that more oranges, soya beans and grapes could be grown in farming heartlands ...
In and around Oregon’s capital city, federal funding cuts, freezes and clawed-back grants since President Donald Trump came ...
Conation is the mental process marked by the inclination to do something. There’s a certain determination and willfulness to it, which can come premeditated, ...
The concerning discovery comes just months after locals were ordered to overhaul their gardens to stop the invasive pest.
Scientists at the UKCEH and UEA have predicted that more oranges, soya beans and grapes could be grown in farming heartlands like East Anglia ...
From horticulture to hardwoods, Pennsylvania's diverse plant industries have a new base of support with the launch of the ...
Pennsylvania growers who tend flowers, Christmas trees, hemp, fruits and vegetables all work in different industries, but ...
Pacific Kelp Co. is working with two university researchers to study the benefits of their kelp extract as fertilizer. If it ...
Considering soil and weather conditions, regional gardening zones and care requirements will make your flower planting goals ...
People graft apple trees for many reasons. The main one is that apple trees planted from seed almost always produce fruit with inferior flavor to the fruit from the parent ...