With appearances in thousands of comic books and more than a dozen live-action and animated movies and shows, Batman is among ...
Guy Fieri has upgraded from the Mayor of Flavortown to the Superhero of Flavortown. DC Comics announced that the celebrity ...
There's no denying that Jason Isaacs plays a great villain. From the Grand Inquisitor in Star Wars Rebels to General Zhao in ...
DC's past and present will be chronicled in a new series titled New History of the DC Universe by Mark Waid, Jerry Ordway and ...
See new images from the upcoming crossover comic Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong 2, which turns superheroes into titans.
The Big Bang Theory may be defying the laws of TV mechanics with its storied success, but there’s one thing co-creator Chuck ...
The new four issue limited series from DC Comics will see Barry Allen travel through the entire history of DC's heroes to ...
As we head towards summer, DC is turning up the heat! June is a seriously packed month of new comics, with the latest chapter ...
Mark Waid is writing a new series, the New History of the DC Universe with changing artists to chronicle the timeline of DC ...
At one point or another, iconic DC heroes have even traded codenames, taking up the mantle on behalf of a close colleague or ...
Invincible draws inspiration from Marvel and DC superheroes, combining traits to create unique characters. Mark Greyson ...
Colin Farrell received major acclaim from critics and fans alike for his grimly vulnerable portrayal of Oz Cobb in The ...