The Vatican announced the figures Thursday, noting that the global Catholic populace increased between 2022 and 2023 by 1.15% ...
The goal of this event is to pray — and to pray in a specifically Catholic way,” Catholics for Catholics President John Yep ...
The arm of the church serving U.S. Armed Forces and veterans hospitals is one of the few Catholic groups that has not created ...
In less than three months, nine religious have been kidnapped in Nigeria, almost as many as during the year 2024. A rise that ...
The regime is now keeping Catholic priests under surveillance, checking their cellphones, and demanding weekly reports on ...
They reject climate science but accept medical science, according to the National Survey of Religious Leaders published this ...
A small act of gratitude can have a big impact. The ‘Thank a Priest’ campaign invites Catholics to support and encourage their priests.
Nearly 150 Catholic priests have been kidnapped in Nigeria over the past 10 years, a new report has indicated, unearthing the ...
Exit polling from the Nov. 5 contest showed President Donald Trump trouncing Vice President Kamala Harris by 18 percentage ...
Evangelical clergy are outliers among peers in rejecting scientific consensus that earth’s climate is changing and human ...
Bill making clergy mandatory reporters of child abuse gains momentum, uniting lawmakers across party lines on critical issue.
At least 204 Catholic priests and seminarians have been abducted in Nigeria, with 15 of them killed while in captivity in the last 10 years. The most recent victims include Peter Andrew ...