Steven Bixby who subscrubes to views held by the sovereign citizen movement was sentenced to death for the murders of two law ...
A bill that would end Maryland’s practice of allocating renewable energy subsidies to trash incinerators is stalled but not ...
The Maryland legislature hits a key deadline Monday, signaling the final three weeks of a 90-day session marked by budgetary ...
The most recent U.S. execution took place last Friday, when Brad Sigmon, 67, died by firing squad in South Carolina. Sigmon, ...
Comedy writer and producer Bill Dare, who worked on shows including Spitting Image and Dead Ringers, has died. Dare passed ...
On Dec. 8, 2003, a conflict in Abbeville, South Carolina, over 20 feet of land turned deadly. Steven Bixby ambushed and killed Abbeville County sheriff’s Sgt. Danny Wilson and state ...
Bill Dare, the comedy writer known for his work on iconic British shows such as Spitting Image and Dead Ringers, has ...
Former NBA player Donald "Slick" Watts has died at the age of 73 ... Watts was signed by coach Bill Russell to play for the Sonics in 1973 as an undrafted rookie. He was with Seattle for less ...