For the last 12 years a company called Bureo has been working with local fisherman to remove dangerous nets from the ocean.
The United States is home to an array of stunning natural wonders, with its lakes often being as picturesque as they are ...
Although swimming in deep waters might feel more dangerous, ocean surges can be hazardous for snorkelers swimming in shallow ...
Ocean wildlife in danger due to marine litter Over the weekend, a whale was found off a Scotland beach with its stomach filled with more than 200 pounds of plastic.
Researchers recently discovered that several toxic and radioactive substances were left behind, which could put our oceans in danger. Follow TI: On Facebook More from Science This forgotten US ...
Late last year, a massive ocean swell caused by a low pressure system in the North Pacific generated waves up to 20 meters ...
In a rare meteorological event, six tropical cyclones churned across the South Pacific and Indian Oceans simultaneously in ...
A Virginia man cites personal experience in a call for more caution with beach umbrellas, after being badly hurt by a ...
The people who once ran the federal weather and oceans agency say it touches people’s daily lives in unnoticed ways and that massive firings there could cause needless deaths and a big hit to ...