An acid spill from a Chinese-owned mine in Zambia has contaminated the Kafue River, sparking fears of a severe environmental ...
Zambia’s economy was built on mining. But more than a century later children are still feeling the aftereffects of years of toxins polluting the environment.
KITWE: Authorities and environmentalists in Zambia are deeply concerned about the long-term effects of an acid spill at a ...
A follow-up study on the Zambian programme found that while providing bicycles to schoolgirls improved their socioeconomic ...
Zambia is on course for a major reduction in fuel prices, thanks to the economic reforms and transparent bidding processes introduced by the ...
(Reuters) - Zambia has suspended a 15% export tax on precious stones and metals in a bid to enhance competitiveness on the global market and draw investment, the finance ministry said on Wednesday.
Japan has provided Zambia with a grant of approximately $1.2 million (K33.6 million) to support the procurement of advanced laboratory ...
HRW in its report, Poisonous Profit: Lead Waste Mining and Children’s Right to a Healthy Environment in Kabwe, Zambia; said ...
The catastrophic failure of a tailings dam at Sino Metals’ Chambishi mine in Zambia ’s Copperbelt, releasing over 50 million litres of acidic effluent into the Mwambashi River, has reignited concerns ...
An International Monetary Fund (IMF) staff team, led by Mercedes Vera Martin, visited Zambia during February 19-25, 2025, as part of the Fund’s ongoing engagement with the Zambian authorities and ...