In some states, Grant deployed troops to maintain order and guarantee that African Americans and their Republican allies ...
He might have run for a fifth term. After Roosevelt passed away, the 22nd Amendment was added to the Constitution to limit a president to two terms in office. And prior to Roosevelt, American ...
Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill and Ulysses S. Grant on the $50 bill. In 2016, President Barack Obama proposed placing Harriet Tubman, who was an escaped slave that helped free dozens of others using ...
President Donald Trump repeatedly made his case for America during Tuesday night's State of the Union address before the joint session of Congress, but he did so wearing an Italian-made tie. POTUS ...
So perhaps it’s reasonable to wonder, given the merciless cuts at all agencies involved in the stewardship of public lands, ...
Donald Trump is the third U.S. president to pardon a large group ... by Andrew Johnson in 1868 and Ulysses S. Grant in 1873.
We took a historic tour of General U.S. Grant's Home. We are not able to do any metal detecting on this site but wanted to share this important part of history with our viewers. U.S. Grant was the ...