But it wasn't long before soldiers on both sides returned to life in the trenches. There are even more World War One resources over on BBC Teach. Take your class on a journey through time with ...
During the recovery of bodies following the Battle of Marne in France in 1914, his pipes were accidentally set off, alerting ...
Life in the quarries was vastly preferable to the muddy hell of the trenches above. A journalist visiting one of the caverns in 1915 noted that “a dry shelter, straw, some furniture, a fire ...
Winter temperatures can drop below zero, and no bonfires are allowed in the trenches because the light ... you are putting not only your own life at risk, but also the lives of others.
The coat was widely worn in the trenches of World War One, earning its now globally familiar name. Even now, the classic trench tends to come in a khaki, neutral or light brown shade ...
But it wasn't long before soldiers on both sides returned to life in the trenches. There are even more World War One resources over on BBC Teach. Take your class on a journey through time with ...