What if we could obtain the memory, learning and perception benefits of “power naps” without actually sleeping?
Done wisely, naps can be a valuable way to boost your focus and energy. A sleep researcher explains how to get it right.
Sleep is known to contribute to the healthy functioning of the brain and the consolidation of memories. Past psychology ...
Why is sleep so important for learning and memory? Neuroscientists from the Csicsvari group at the Institute of Science and ...
A morning dose of blue light might help older people sleep better in the evening, giving them a boost for their daily ...
Scientists are finding experimental evidence that the transition between wakefulness and sleep is a portal for creative thought.
To celebrate World Sleep Day, here's our science-based guide to getting the best slumber you can – from varying sleep with the seasons to taking inspiration from the past. It's a typical weekday ...
While scientists are still debating these possible results, you can experience the above hallucinations by doing a ganzfeld experiment at home. ‌The word “ganzfeld” in German translates to ...
She is a nutrition, mental health, fitness and sleep science enthusiast. Her passion for mindful and holistic practices transcends her personal life and profoundly influences her editorial ...