Pecorino cheese is a hard, white cheese made from sheep’s milk. It traditionally has a rich, sharp flavor and is often used for cooking pasta dishes ... brought a small wheel home.
stir small splashes of reserved pasta water into the pot until the noodles are glistening. Spoon into bowls and serve with freshly grated pecorino piled on top. Garnish with parsley.
3. Add pecorino romano; mix well and add the pasta. 4. Mix and toss in the cheese wheel; place on the top of the prosciutto plate and enjoy. 5. Cook the pasta for 6-7 minutes. Al dente.
In the same water in which we boiled the broccoli, cook the pasta. When it is cooked, pour it into the pan and mix. Remove from the heat and add the grated pecorino. Let it rest. Choose a white ...