They act as a foil to rich flavours such as spicy meat or bean stews. Salted fried plantain chips are a popular snack in the Caribbean.
The plantains themselves take on a caramelly flavor when fried, and when you top this whole bread pudding with a rich caramel sauce you end up with a ton of warm caramel flavor. The result is a ...
Honduran food is known for the way flavors fuse. The tasty superstars on Catrachito’s menu are a testament to the ...
Platanos maduros are caramelized plantains that have been lightly fried so that they're browned, sticky, and sweet. Chicharrónes Moros y cristianos Tostones Related to ropa vieja, vaca frita ...
The Dominican Republic's staple is a dish of white rice, red beans, meat and fried plantains called La Bandera Dominicana (because the colors are reminiscent of the Dominican's red, white and blue ...